Welcome to our home education blog.

We, as a family, are continuing to define what home-school looks like in our home. Now in the 4th season of our journey, I see more changes on the horizon. 
The key, I think, is to believe in what we are doing, to re-define it continuously for ourselves, being open to the evolution of learning. To always explore. 
This blog is about that exploration. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

education beyond our doors.

A recent visit with family in Saskatchewan opened a few more doors to discovery. 

A farm has such a wealth of learning opportunities, and a chance to explore and enjoy the sights and smells of animals. 

We had opportunities to feed and brush horses, and experienced a farm accident (Ephraim fell under the wheel of the pony wagon-wanting to play like the big boys) He is A-OK.

We pet and held a baby sheep and fell in love with the big Great Pyrenees, Snickers, who protects the flock.

We walked in with the giant Legacy bulls and tried with all our might to witness a calf be born, always missing it by a half hour! 

We weeped for a dead baby bunny found on the path.

We helped bottle feed 3 week old puppies who have been rejected by their momma. 

We learned the difference between hay and straw.

We treasure hunted in an abandoned old farm house.

We developed deeper connections with family that we see too rarely. Cousins, Aunties, Uncles, Great Grandma, Grandma and Grandpa.

We realized we didn't bring enough changes of clothes for everyone.. mucking about in pastures is dirty business. Phinehas spent a great deal of time sitting in puddles of unimaginable yuckiness. 

We stocked up on clothes and rubber boots at a small town thrift store.

We learned some new words, like brindle, which describes the colour of our dog, Lenny.

We tried out the weigh scale that Uncle Trevor uses to weigh the calves.

And we passed on some of our talents by teaching cousins to needle felt and making tutu's.

We are blessed by you Branvolds! Thank you for great memories and loads of learning. 


  1. I love small town thrift stores, I love abandoned old farm houses - wow what a time, poor bunny...glad you had a special time!

  2. looks like a blast! i love trips to family farms.

  3. Oh the country, there's nothing like it. It looks like you had a great weekend of fun and learning.
