Welcome to our home education blog.

We, as a family, are continuing to define what home-school looks like in our home. Now in the 4th season of our journey, I see more changes on the horizon. 
The key, I think, is to believe in what we are doing, to re-define it continuously for ourselves, being open to the evolution of learning. To always explore. 
This blog is about that exploration. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Values and Character

One aspect of our Olympic study that stood out for this Mom, was the code of ethics or Olympic creed, oath and individual olympian standards, character traits, values and etiquette expected and encouraged from participants throughout the games. And so we begin our new unit... 

Values To Live By.

Books we will read for this unit theme will include:

We have been loosely following the Konos curriculum  which breaks down unit studies according to character development themes.  For example, under the character value of self-control one might cover the topics of Body/appetite, Dance, Emotions, Poetry, Speech and Singing as weekly units. 

It is a wonderful curriculum that is geared towards multiage learning together and especially towards the boy learners, with lots of hands on activities. The beauty being also that you can cover one or two this year and then revisit the curriculum in later years again and cover other topics or the same topics to greater depth. 

I would love to find someone to use Konos with in a co-op setting as it is a lot of work to prep for just us... which is why I use it more as a resource and am loosely following it's lesson plans with much liberty taken in my own tangents. 

Kudos to my sister-in-law, Cindy, who introduced us to Konos and graciously lends us her books! 

Being that I am planning to do a unit covering a multitude of values... I am picking and choosing from the Konos activities and themes to best illustrate our general focus on each. Believing that in the future, when we re-visit them as complete units, we will have a memory of this mini theme, and that we will have developed a few of the all important values like playing fairly and thinking of others first and attentiveness... I can dream.