Welcome to our home education blog.

We, as a family, are continuing to define what home-school looks like in our home. Now in the 4th season of our journey, I see more changes on the horizon. 
The key, I think, is to believe in what we are doing, to re-define it continuously for ourselves, being open to the evolution of learning. To always explore. 
This blog is about that exploration. 

Monday, January 25, 2010


I found this video to go along with a "canadian version"
Much of the resources we find for our units have an american bent to them, so finding some canadian content is important to us. I also bought this beautifully illustrated book, Life in the Boreal Forest. We are planning to make a lap book on our habitats unit but my printer is not responding to our new location... and so while we wait for tech help (Cristina, where are you?!)

Our habitats unit has taken us all over the place, beginning in the beautiful world of coral reefs. We have been making a couple of barrier reef dioramas and taking a closer look at some of the animals that call a reef their home. One thing that has caught Solomon's interest is all the partnering relationships in the ocean. 

Symbiotic relationships are found everywhere, so our discovery has taken us in that direction for the time being. Which also creates interest in the food chain and exploring what habitats provide the animals that live there and how animals adapt to their habitat changing etc etc...

There are so many paths to branch out on with this unit. It really has been a fun journey to welcome us back into the groove. It is good to be back to learning together!